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What is the process for Submission of Synopsis?

1.1 a. “Prior to submission of a thesis synopsis, a comprehensive assessment of the research work should be carried out by a panel consisting of the Research Progress Review Panel (RPR) and one or two external experts of the research area concerned appointed by Principal in consultation with the supervisor(s) through the Director (P. G. Studies and Research).

This assessment shall be carried out through a pre-synopsis seminar (Examination).

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b. The seminar is open to all faculty members, research and PG students for feedback and comments, which must be properly incorporated into the thesis under the advice of the Supervisor. The open seminar is a prerequisite for the submission of Ph.D. Synopsis.

c. A research scholar must submit a hard and soft copy of the Pre-Synopsis report. The format for the Pre-Synopsis report is the same as the guidelines for the Thesis format.

d. The details of the pre-synopsis seminar shall be appropriately notified in order to allow interested staff members and students to attend the seminar.

e. A Research Scholar may be allowed to attend this Pre-Synopsis Seminar upon completion of the following requirements:

  • 1. A research scholar whose registration has been verified and who has completed his/her work as well as his/her research work through a minimum of four successful RPRs (copy of the report should be submitted to the RPR Center Office) and is sure to compile the results into a thesis.
  • 2. Written consent of the experts of the last RPR (required to submit photocopies of the same) and of the supervisor and co-supervisor (if any).
  • 3. The Research Scholar must publish

    3.1 Minimum of two research papers in the peer reviewed/referred International or National Journal of Reputation (including papers accepted for the publication) and provide evidence of the same in the form of an acceptance letter from the publisher or a copy of the publication AND;

3.2 Make at least two paper presentations at conferences/seminars before the submission of thesis for adjudication, and produce the same evidence in the form of presentation certificates and/or reprints.

In addition, if the applicant has applied for/awarded a patent, he/she is required to file a patent application or a reprint publication or a gallery proof.

  • 4. A photocopy of all receipts of fees paid is required.
  • 5. Every research Scholar must check his/her Pre-Synopsis report with reputable and standard anti-plagiarism software such as “Turnitin” or “iThenticate”

 or “URKUND” And must submit a plagiarism check certificate along with a pre-synopsis report.

A similarity index of less than or equal to 10% (≤ 10%) is required and will be allowed accordingly.

Before submission of final Pre-Synopsis report to university, submit the softcopy of the same to university for plagiarism check and accordingly scholar will be allowed for further process.

f. The Panel shall forward the panel’s report (Annexure – A.1) to the office of the Director (P. G. Studies and Research).

1.2 The synopsis is to be submitted within three months of the successful completion of the pre-synopsis seminar.

If the synopsis is not submitted within three months of the successful completion of the pre-synopsis seminar, the candidate must apply for an extension (with a maximum period of three months) to the Director (P. G. Studies and Research) through the supervisor and the co-supervisor(if any).

1.3 The Research Scholar shall submit to the Director, P.G. Studies and Research, via the Supervisor/Co-Supervisor, three copies of the synopsis of the proposed thesis together with a soft copy in PDF on the CD along with the undertaking (Appendix – A.2).

The soft copy shall be used for quick communication with the examiners.

1.4 The synopsis should include an introduction, a chapter-wise brief account of the work done and an overall conclusion. It should include the following components:

a. Title page (Specimen B)
b. Candidate’ Declaration (Specimen E)
c. Certificate from the Supervisor (Specimen F)
d. Certificate from the Co-Supervisor (External Supervisor) (Specimen G)
e. A copyright transfer certificate (Specimen H)
f. Acknowledgments
g. Abstract
h. Contents
i. Brief description on the state of the art of the research topic
j. Definition of the Problem
k. Objective and Methodology of Research
l. Results and Comparisons
m. Conclusion
n. Future research scope
o. References (main and important only)
p. Publications

1.5 The synopsis may not be longer than 15 to 20 pages (excluding copies of published papers and a list of references), one and a half rows of spaced pages, A4 pages in font size 12 points and Times New Roman font style.

1.6 A copy of Annexure – A.3 containing the following certificates shall be submitted,

a. Certificate of the Research Supervisor and Co-Supervisor (if any).

b. Candidate Certificate.

c. Certificate that the pre-synopsis seminar has been completed in a satisfactory manner.

1.7 NO DUES certificate duly endorsed by the Account Section/Student Section/Department/Library as provided by the University.

1.8 The synopsis is uploaded to the website of the University.



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